Solar Powered Kits Using Ultracapacitors

SOLN1 25 – Easy to Build DIY Portable Energy Generator Solar

SOLN1 25 - Easy to Build DIY Portable Energy Generator Solar

Powering a 30 amp grinder

SOLN1 25 Kit Build Video - 10Ah Version

- 10Ah VersionSolar Pak using Ultra Capacitor and Joule Thief

Order information:


  1. 25W semi flexible solar panel
  2. 3 USB ports
  3. 2 USB LED light bulbs
  4. AC inverter 250W 500W surge
  5. Solar charge controller with LCD display.
  6. 3D printed battery spacers
  7. Dimensions: 24″ – 13″ – 2.25″
  8. Weight fully built in the 8 cell configuration: 11 lbs 12.5oz
  9. Charge time (8 cell config) varies between approximately 10-20 hours of direct sunlight.
  10. Charge time (4 cell config) varies between approximately 5-10 hours of direct sunlight.
  11. Charge times very a lot depending on weather, time of year, angle of the panel etc.

Battery options are:

Watch the 4 cell 10Ah assembly video before ordering:

All Headway kits contain BMS = Battery Monitoring System which provides auto balancing between cells.

Caution: Valid questions on the Youtube channel for this product are not being answered by the manufacturer.