Tube Benders

Baileigh Benders

tube bender using pulleys

Home made tube bender made from a couple of belt pulleys and scrap steel.

Baileigh RDB-10 Small Diameter Tube Bender

Baileigh RDB-10 Small Diameter Tube Bender Brake Line Hydraulic Tubing Bending Machine

Included Die Sets
1/4 x 3D 6.350 mm x 3D
1/4 x 5D 6.350 mm x 5D
5/16 x 3D 7.938 mm x 3D
5/16 x 5D 7.938 mm x 5D
3/8 x 3D 9.525 mm x 3D
3/8 x 5D 9.525 mm x 5D
1/2 x 3D 12.7 mm x 3D
1/2 x 5D 12.7 mm x 5D
5/8 x 3D 15.875 mm x 3D
5/8 x 5D 15.875 mm x 5D


The RDB-25 manual tube bender

The RDB-25 manual tube bender ($195.00)

This manual tubing bender comes standard with the following round tube die sets:

  • 3/8" OD x 2" CLR
  • 1/2" OD x 2.25" CLR
  • 9/16" OD x 2.5" CLR
  • 5/8" OD x 3" CLR
  • 3/4" OD x 3.5" CLR
  • 7/8" OD x 4.25" CLR
  • 3/4" Square x 3.75" CLR
  • 1" Square x 4.25" CLR